I wanted to promote this event at the top of this entry, because the people who sent the postcards below feature in thepromotion image above. The princess in the dark blue is a yung geocacher named Gabby, Her geocaching name is aproprtiately "Gift of the gab" or G.O.T.G. for short. Her younger sister Sam is the fairy in the pink standing behind the huge pumkin. Her geocaching nick name is "Sam I am". I recently went on a geocahing event and met up with Sam and Gabby and thier dad "postman Pat", and whilst there we attempted a geocache that left the oldies gasping for air. I want to congratulate the young ones who attempted this cache as it was a mighty effort.

Oh and thanks girls for the realy great gifts, i wasn't expecting them... A "where the heck is Kootingal cap, and another pesky monkey to add to my collection of stuffed toy monkeys.