December 04, 2009

Ho Ho HoT!

This Postcard comes from Black Bunny, and is an excelent card for this time of year. showing Santa at a parade in Canberra.
B.B writes...

Pesky, This isn't a favorite place,somuch as an event, but ittakes place at a very specific locations every year so here are the co-ords: S: 34'55.300 E:138'36.200. We hope you have a great Christmas!

Broome Broome Broome!

Another card from the Shifters, that i thought I'd misplaced, only to find it today whilst looking up a Phone number...

They write:

Hi Pesky! We have left Broome and are now heading South. We have managed at least 1 cache a day for the whole trip ( 7.5 weeks so far!, we are heading for Port Headland where we are planning to catch up with the Geogypsies Liz and Bruce.

This card shows a few views of Broome, a camel train at sunset, a beach, some statues and a what appears tp be a Pirate ship, Yarrr!
( sorry this got posted so late)

Beverley Hill Billy!

This card is from Wandering_Aus. Firstly i must apologies for misplacing the card, or thinking i had misplaced it. when i opened my scanners cover to scan a recent arival, ther i was sitting in the tray. so here is what Wandering Aus says....
Hi Pesky!
I visited Beverly ( WA) the other day to place my caches... happy caching.
Location co-ords S32'06.527 E: 116'55.509.

This card shows some of the , well maybe all of the exciting places to visit when you go to Beverley. The Main Street, the Post office, The town Hall, oh and a museam that has a plane stuck out the front of it!.
thanks Wandering Aus.
are there many hills in Beverly?

August 16, 2009


This card is from the Shifter Brains... They are currently on a 3 monhth camper trailer tour of AUS!.
They write:
Thought we would send a postcard and claim yet another cache ( over 1000 found now) . We are having a great time caching and siteseeing our way around this huge country. There is so much to see.

And it's nice to hear from them. They will probably be checking for this posting at thier first available access point ( most Likely in Darwin at this stage) We all hope you are having a great time. Dust anyone?