December 04, 2009

Ho Ho HoT!

This Postcard comes from Black Bunny, and is an excelent card for this time of year. showing Santa at a parade in Canberra.
B.B writes...

Pesky, This isn't a favorite place,somuch as an event, but ittakes place at a very specific locations every year so here are the co-ords: S: 34'55.300 E:138'36.200. We hope you have a great Christmas!

Broome Broome Broome!

Another card from the Shifters, that i thought I'd misplaced, only to find it today whilst looking up a Phone number...

They write:

Hi Pesky! We have left Broome and are now heading South. We have managed at least 1 cache a day for the whole trip ( 7.5 weeks so far!, we are heading for Port Headland where we are planning to catch up with the Geogypsies Liz and Bruce.

This card shows a few views of Broome, a camel train at sunset, a beach, some statues and a what appears tp be a Pirate ship, Yarrr!
( sorry this got posted so late)

Beverley Hill Billy!

This card is from Wandering_Aus. Firstly i must apologies for misplacing the card, or thinking i had misplaced it. when i opened my scanners cover to scan a recent arival, ther i was sitting in the tray. so here is what Wandering Aus says....
Hi Pesky!
I visited Beverly ( WA) the other day to place my caches... happy caching.
Location co-ords S32'06.527 E: 116'55.509.

This card shows some of the , well maybe all of the exciting places to visit when you go to Beverley. The Main Street, the Post office, The town Hall, oh and a museam that has a plane stuck out the front of it!.
thanks Wandering Aus.
are there many hills in Beverly?